Gremlins in the office
Halloween is capable of 'spooking out' the most calm, cool and collected of characters, and, as we all know, that describes the office manager to the tee. Halloween has the ability to send shivers down the spine of the office manager, as they sometimes bear witness to the strangest of circumstances.
Forget year end, forget recruitment and forget covering staff absences, the office manager's toughest time of the year is October, and not least because of the hell raising paranormal activities that might well occur.
So if you are an office manager, brace yourself for the stationary serpent to slither in and empty the stationary cupboard, leaving you with the task of summoning more pens, ring binders and notepads from the powers that be.
And don't forget about the copier gremlins that can infiltrate the office overnight, and break the machine. Just when you had sent an email around with specific instructions on how to keep the copier in good health, a deathly bug spread by the gremlins strikes!
Sitting down for a well earned moment's rest, but don't feel quite right? That'll be the chair critters that can move and adjust your seat when you're not looking. That's right - October could prove to be eerily uncomfortable.
Nightfall will see the water cooler witches congregate and gossip at the cauldron about the events of the day, cackling with glee at the mishaps and unexplained occurrences that go hand in hand with Halloween.
At Prolific Solutions, we've also heard many Halloween tales relating to the printer poltergeist. If you've spotted this fabled and fearsome creature, don't forget to give Prolific Solutions a ring and we will see what we can do to scare it off, using the methods we have garnered over the years.
So good luck to office managers everywhere as they do all they can to ward off the frightful manifestations that mark Halloween. And remember, if all else fails, you can always hide in the cleaner's cupboard!