Why I hate being called a “sales rep”...
Yesterday I got called a “sales rep” and it made me cringe. Yes I'm in sales and yes I'm a representative of Prolific but what I do is so much more.
To me the definition of a sales rep is someone in a shiny suit, visiting a customer and making a quick sale.
It feels cold and old school.
I’m not a “sales rep”; I'm an account manager, a problem solver, a finance guru, an agony aunt, a coordinator, a business owner and someone who is really passionate about printers and offering the right solution to my customers.
From when I first engage with a new customer, building the relationship is paramount. I want to be someone they can call upon about the smallest issue or concern. Someone they know that will deal with their query. I want to be the trusted partner that they can go to and have 100% confidence that I’ll be there to support them and offer the best service possible.
I started the business because I'm passionate about what I do at Prolific and the service that Toshiba provide. We don't just sell printers and photocopiers; we are there to build a long term relationship and solution for our customers.
My relationship with the term “sales rep” is something I perhaps need to come to terms with, because ultimately that is what I am. However I won’t take it lightly and will do my best to show my customers what I and Prolific can really offer!
Paula Horton – Managing Director